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ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue, Penang, Malaysia

Inaugural ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue hashtag#AAED2018  has been great for person-to-person connectivity and institutional linking. Collaborations and cross-sector partnerships for education (private sector, public, NFP) are more than ever about bringing together diverse stakeholders. Why? So we can seek solutions in a more integrative, creative way, to resolve the major global and regional challenges we face.

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ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue 2018

  Proud to be a member of this steering group, hoping to facilitate the convergence of international best practice and regional innovation for quality education outcomes “The ASEAN Australia Education Dialogue Malaysia 2018” Building Regional Connectivity and Education Partnerships The inaugural ASEAN Australia Education Dialogue (AAED) March 21st -23rd 2018 in Penang, Malaysia will