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Global shocks reveal the objective reality of a complex and interconnected world, engendering integrated and innovative human responses. The Spanish flu of 1918 produced such changes, including the democratization of healthcare as an ethical public good commensurate with the negative impacts of an indiscriminate pandemic. The learning outcomes from Covid-19 should be further reaching, given

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Partnering for innovation- A roadmap to economic resilience

From the invention of the boomerang to the medical application of penicillin and the invention of the Cochlear bionic ear, Australians have shown themselves to be an inventive lot. If necessity is the mother of invention, the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic should produce a resurgent wave of Australian innovation across industry, government and the

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21 Century Planning -A case for the integration of innovation and education policies

In 1962 JFK announced an audacious plan to land a man on the moon. He did so at the Texan University of Rice, which would establish the country’s first space science department. This mission ignited the national spirit for innovation and galvanised industrial collaboration that today produces over 1500 new technologies per year and agreements

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ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue, Penang, Malaysia

Inaugural ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue hashtag#AAED2018  has been great for person-to-person connectivity and institutional linking. Collaborations and cross-sector partnerships for education (private sector, public, NFP) are more than ever about bringing together diverse stakeholders. Why? So we can seek solutions in a more integrative, creative way, to resolve the major global and regional challenges we face.

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Not seeing the Amazon for the proverbial trees? – Try a new way of navigating the digital jungle

Recent days has seen Amazon’s much anticipated launch into the Australian retail market, amidst the cacophony of warnings from experts, no less noteworthy than Andrew Bassat, founder and CEO of the World’s biggest job board, The founders of Seek are no strangers to digital disruption, having transformed the traditional print classified job market when

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5 Top Insights from the Global Forum on Digital

It was pleasure to host the session on Creativity & Innovation and facilitate panel discussion during what was a stimulating deep dive into the all pervasive impact of digital technology. Here are my top 5 insights: 1.” (Instead) ask yourself what won’t change, and then put all your energy and effort into those things.” (Jeff